Drupal 7 installation - Default Modules

Today I'm going to have a look at list of default modules installed by Drupal 7. List of modules is available from main top navigation, click on "Modules" link.

There are in total 44 default modules right after D7 installation. All of those modules are in CORE section. Drupal 6 uses "Core Mandatory" and "Core Optional" sections. There were less core modules in D6.

After D7 installation 29 modules were enabled by default. Here is the list of them:

Block - Controls the visual building blocks a page is constructed with. Blocks are boxes of content rendered into an area, or region, of a web page.
Color - Allows administrators to change the color scheme of compatible themes.
Comment - Allows users to comment on and discuss published content.
Contextual links - Provides contextual links to perform actions related to elements on a page.
Dashboard - Provides a dashboard page in the administrative interface for organizing administrative tasks and tracking information within your site.
Database logging - Logs and records system events to the database.
Field - Field API to add fields to entities like nodes and users.
Field SQL storage - Stores field data in an SQL database.
Field UI - User interface for the Field API.
File - Defines a file field type.
Filter - Filters content in preparation for display.
Help - Manages the display of online help.
Image - Provides image manipulation tools.
List - Defines list field types. Use with Options to create selection lists.
Menu - Allows administrators to customize the site navigation menu.
Node - Allows content to be submitted to the site and displayed on pages.
Number - Defines numeric field types.
Options - Defines selection, check box and radio button widgets for text and numeric fields.
Overlay - Displays the Drupal administration interface in an overlay.
Path - Allows users to rename URLs.
RDF - Enriches your content with meta data to let other applications (e.g. search engines, aggregators) better understand its relationships and attributes.
Search - Enables site-wide keyword searching.
Shortcut - Allows users to manage customizable lists of shortcut links.
System - Handles general site configuration for administrators.
Taxonomy - Enables the categorization of content.
Text - Defines simple text field types.
Toolbar - Provides a toolbar that shows the top-level administration menu items and links from other modules.
Update manager - Checks for available updates, and can securely install or update modules and themes via a web interface.
User - Manages the user registration and login system.

Following modules are "Required by Drupal" so are really core modules and could not be disabled: Field, Field SQL storage, File, Filter, Node, System, Text, User.

Two attached images displays all default Drupal 7 modules. Blog module (3rd check box) is not enabled by default but it is part of default D7 installation. I had to enable it that I can write this blog.

Blog Image: